Monday, March 28, 2011

It Is Finally Here!!!

After lots of planning and prayer, the FBC Troy 2011 Spring Retreat is finally here!  It will last from Friday night through Sunday morning.  All the rallies will be at the Family Life Center.  God is going to do amazing things this weekend and His children will be blessed.  I hope you are able to be a part of it!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

God Truly Does Bless Obedience

The trip to the Baptist Children's Home this past weekend was a huge success.  We had a good group go down there to play with the kids and help out the house parents.  I'm proud and appreciative of everyone who went.  I think that our youth enjoyed playing with the kids as much as the kids enjoyed playing with them!  God truly blesses us when we are obedient.

I strongly encourage all the youth to sign up and be in prayer for the Spring Retreat on April 1-3.  During the morning and afternoon on Saturday, April 2, the youth will be helping out some senior adults in our church by assisting them with various chores around their homes.  Just as God blessed us when we ministered to the kids in Dothan, He will bless us when we minister to the senior adults at the Spring Retreat.  I hope you are able to come and be a part of this blessing!

James 1:27 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Baptist Children's Home Visit

This Saturday, the youth and all interested adults will be going to the Baptist Children's Home in Dothan.  We will have opportunities to minister in a couple of different ways.  One will be to play indoor or outdoor games with the kids down there.  A second will be to help the house parents by doing yard work (picking up sticks, getting rid of weeds, transporting bricks, etc). 

I strongly encourage all who are able to attend to make it this Saturday.  We will leave from the church at 8am and return at approximately 2pm.  Adults, we will need to carpool down there.  If you are able to help transport kids, please let Chris know.  I am excited about ministering together with you this Saturday, March 12!