Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spring Retreat

IT'S COMING!!!!  The 2011 Spring Retreat will be April 1-3 at First Baptist Church.  The theme this year is Don't Be Fooled.  Our speaker will be Eric Fuller and the BCM praise band will be leading us in worship.  This weekend will include worship, fellowship, missions, Bible study and teaching.  The students will be staying in homes of FBC members where they will be led in Bible studies by small group leaders.  You can pick up your registration and release forms from Chris, or you can download them at www.troyfbc.org/dontbefooled.html.  
Yes, the earlier you hand in your forms and pay, the less it costs!!  Sign up today and invite your friends!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Parent Meeting

Dear Parents,

I promise to do my best to NOT make you want to fall asleep at the Youth Parent meeting this Sunday, January 23, after the morning worship service.  When the worship service ends, please head over to the kitchen end of the FLC.  We will all eat first, and then the parents and I will head down to the FLC worship room for our meeting (we will have some adults to hang out with the kids during this time).  At this meeting, we will briefly discuss where the youth ministry is at as well as where it will be going over the next several months. 
Please note that the non-refundable $60 deposit for the Student Life Mission Camp is also due on this date.  And while we will be discussing the summer youth trip at this meeting, we will be discussing other things as well.  So, please make every effort to attend. 

Numbers 6:24-26

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Student Life Mission Camp 2011

Yes, it's coming!  On June 17-21, 2011, the students from FBC Troy will be going to the Student Life Mission Camp at Louisiana Tech University.  The worship leader this year is Roger Cullins and the camp speaker is Neil McClendon.  The students will love Neil; he is an AMAZING speaker!!  I strongly encourage every student to attend this event and bring friends.  For those that are inteterested in attending, there is a $60 non-refundable deposit due by Sunday, January 23.  Again, as long as spots are still available, you can still register for this event after this date, the overall cost will just be a little higher.  PLEASE sign up early to reserve your spot!!

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. – Deuteronomy 6:5
We’re all devoted to something. Just look at where you spend your time, what you talk most about or who consumes your thoughts, and you’ll begin to get a pretty good idea of where your devotion lies. For far too many of us, it doesn’t seem to be with God. So, what does it take to be a fully committed disciple? How do we develop into dedicated and faithful followers of Jesus? Who can we turn to in order to get some help along the way? Join Student Life in the summer of 2011 and discover how you and your students can be DEVOTED.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Just to remind everyone that this Friday, January 7, the youth are going to play Broomball in Montgomery.  If you have not handed in your release form please get it to Chris asap.  The cost is $10.  You are welcome to bring friends.  See you there!!!