Monday, January 17, 2011

Parent Meeting

Dear Parents,

I promise to do my best to NOT make you want to fall asleep at the Youth Parent meeting this Sunday, January 23, after the morning worship service.  When the worship service ends, please head over to the kitchen end of the FLC.  We will all eat first, and then the parents and I will head down to the FLC worship room for our meeting (we will have some adults to hang out with the kids during this time).  At this meeting, we will briefly discuss where the youth ministry is at as well as where it will be going over the next several months. 
Please note that the non-refundable $60 deposit for the Student Life Mission Camp is also due on this date.  And while we will be discussing the summer youth trip at this meeting, we will be discussing other things as well.  So, please make every effort to attend. 

Numbers 6:24-26