Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How Can I Have Boldness?

Something the youth have been discussing the last couple Wednesday nights is the importance of being ready to share Jesus with people as we go throughout our day.  We discussed some reasons why we don't always share (we are in a hurry/too busy, we assume the other person already knows the truth, etc.).  Tomorrow we are going to look at a story from Acts 4 and find out how 2 disciples were able to speak boldly in the face of great opposition.  The secret to their boldness isn't really a secret at all.  They simply asked God to give them boldness in the face of their opposition (Acts 4:29). 

At the start of your day, consider praying for the following things:
1) That God would bring someone across your path that He would like you to share with
2) That He would let you know when you have come across that person
3) That He would give you the boldness to share with that person.

There's no doubt in my mind that God will answer these requests.