Monday, February 28, 2011

Spring Retreat Update

Hey all, just wanted to give you an update on where we are at for the Spring Retreat (D-now).  We have the speaker and worship band already lined up.  We're in the process of getting host homes and Bible study leaders for the weekend.  Also, we are organizing our mission sites for Saturday.  This week I'm hoping to recruit the 2nd most important person of the weekend....the person in charge of food :). 

Now, what we need to keep working on is the most important part of the weekend....YOU!!  Students have already started signing up, and WE NEED TO KEEP THAT GOING.  Just a reminder, the discount price of $35 is good through this Sunday, March 6.  If any students or parents need a copy of the release form or registration form, you can pick them up at church or download them at

Once again, this is an open event.  The students are encouraged to bring as many friends as they like.  Come be a part of what God is doing!