Thursday, October 28, 2010

Service Opportunities

Hey guys,

I wanted to let you know about 3 service opportunities at First Baptist over the next week. 

First, the Fall Festival is this Sunday, Oct 31, from 3-5pm.  There are numerous opportunities you can sign up for in the Children’s building.  Also, you are more than welcome to just come and have a good time! 

Second, the youth will be helping out in the prayer room again this Monday, Nov 1.  If you are able to come by from 6-8 pm (you do not have to stay the whole time), you’ll have an opportunity to pray for the people of Troy and write a short postcard message to them. 

Third, next Tuesday, Nov 2, Al Renfroe needs some help from 5:30-8pm to help sign kids up for Upward Basketball.  There are a couple different ways we can help here.  One is to help watch some kids of the individuals who are helping to sign people up.  This childcare (I believe) will be in the Children’s building.  Also, if you would like to help out in the FLC itself, directing people to where they need to go (they need a lot of help here), please let me or Al know.  He could certainly use the help! 

Hope to see you guys at these events.  Have a good week!

1 Timothy 4:12