Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wednesday Night Discussions

Hey guys,

I wanted to let you know about what we have been discussing on Wednesday nights.  The overall theme has been that we are to give God control of every area of our life.  Two Wednesdays ago we looked at Romans 12:1-2.  These are amazing verses that implore us to worship God by not just singing to Him on Sundays and Wednesdays, but by obeying Him throughout our day each day.  Paul calls this offering our bodies as "living sacrifices". 
Last Wednesday we looked at John 6, where large crowds were following Jesus....at first.  After Jesus explains who He really is and why He really came, thousands of His followers desert Him.  They did this because they went to Jesus for a show; they were only interested in what they could get from Him.  Those few that stayed offered some very insightful words as to why..."Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life."  They had a correct understanding of who Jesus was and lived their lives accordingly.
Tomorrow's study will be based on 1 Timothy 4:12.  Young people can make a difference, regardless of their age!