Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Challenging Question

During our Spring Retreat, Eric (our speaker) asked us all a very challenging question.  The question was based on 3 John 2.  In this passage, the apostle John is writing a letter to his friend Gaius.  John had heard that Gaius was living out the faith he claimed to have.  John was so happy that Gaius' spiritual health was so strong that he prayed that Gaius' physical health would be as strong as his spiritual health.

Eric then asked us, "would you be comfortable if someone prayed that your physcial health matched your spiritual health?"  That's a pretty sobering question!  If someone prayed that for us and it actually happened, what condition would we be in?  Extremely healthly, a little sick, a lot sick, in the hospital on life support, or (GASP) dead?  I encourage you all to work on your spiritual health so that, hopefully one day, if someone prays that for us, we will be in good shape!