Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Making the Most of Free Time

The students are about to have what they look forward to all school year--summer break.  A recent conversation reminded me the importance of helping your teens avoid 2 extremes during summer break.  The first extreme is allowing them to take the summer "off", meaning they spend all day doing absolutely nothing (after they wake up, of course).  The second extreme is keeping them as busy as possible doing stuff.

There are 2 verses that I think will help offer guidance to how the students can spend their summer.  Ephesians 5:16 tells us to make the most of every opportunity, and Matthew 6:20 tells us to store up treasures in heaven.  The Bible teaches that 3 things will last forever: God, his word, and men's souls.  By focusing on these 3 things, we store up treasures in heaven.

Try discussing with your son/daughter some ways they can constructively spend their summer.  Is there a specific part of their Christian walk you can help them work on?  Is there something you can teach them to do (change a tire, plant a tree) or work on together as a family?

As summer break approaches, I encourage you to help your student think of ways they can spend their summer storing up treasures in Heaven, as opposed to killing time until school starts.