Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Passing on Truth

Earlier this week I heard a story that is a great reminder that ministers and parents need to partner together to pass on biblical truth to teenagers and children.  Judges 2:6-7 takes place after the Israelites have conquered the promised land.  Joshua has given a challenge to the people to not forget about God while He gives them a time of peace and prosperity.  And, for the most part, the people rise to that challenge. 

But then, just two verses later, we read something remarkable.  Judges 2:10-11 describes how the generation after Joshua grows up not knowing anything about God.  This group falls into worshipping every idol under the sun.  How did this happen?  One generation is faithful in serving God; the next generation worships idols.  The answer is straight forward--the faithful generation did not teach the next generation. 

There are several times in the Bible where this happens.  Looking at history, we can also see where this has happened since the time of Christ.  God has called us to teach our children the Bible and what we have learned about who Jesus is.  Let's join together to make sure the generation coming up doesn't forget about our Lord and Savior on our watch.