Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Parent Meeting for Youth Trip

This is a reminder that this Sunday, June 5, at 4pm, there will be a parent meeting for those whose students are attending the Student Life Mission Camp this month.  The meeting will be in the worship room of the FLC.  One of the things we will do in the meeting is fill a form out that needs to be notarized.  We will have a notary at the meeting for your convenience.  Hope to see you there! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

VBS Help Needed

Vacation Bible School is almost here!  There will be lots of kids from the church and community learning about the gospel of Jesus Christ....and the FBC Youth can be a part of it!  This year, VBS will be from June 13-17.  If the youth are interested in helping out for any activity or any age level, please have them go to, click on the Volunteer to Help link and fill out the form.  This is a great way for our youth to minister together with the rest of the church. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How Can I Have Boldness?

Something the youth have been discussing the last couple Wednesday nights is the importance of being ready to share Jesus with people as we go throughout our day.  We discussed some reasons why we don't always share (we are in a hurry/too busy, we assume the other person already knows the truth, etc.).  Tomorrow we are going to look at a story from Acts 4 and find out how 2 disciples were able to speak boldly in the face of great opposition.  The secret to their boldness isn't really a secret at all.  They simply asked God to give them boldness in the face of their opposition (Acts 4:29). 

At the start of your day, consider praying for the following things:
1) That God would bring someone across your path that He would like you to share with
2) That He would let you know when you have come across that person
3) That He would give you the boldness to share with that person.

There's no doubt in my mind that God will answer these requests.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Remember to Take Care of Yourself

As a minister, it is amazing to me how easy it is for me to neglect the spiritual disciplines in my own life.  Between planning several lessons a week for teenagers, planning events, and "doing ministry", it's easy for me to forget about, well, me.  Every once in awhile it helps me to stop and ask myself a simple question, "am I growing in my relationship with Christ, or has my walk plateaued?" 

Several years ago, I was challenged by another believer when he explained the importance of asking that question in a way I had not thought of before.  "No matter how good a job you do at your job, is it reasonable to believe that your students' faith will be growing while your faith has plateaued?"  The obvious answer to that question is no.  Therefore, it is all the more important for me to continually read my Bible, share my faith, disciple other believers, pray, memorize Scripture, etc. 

I believe this is a great reminder for all adults who are involved with teenagers: parents, grandparents, Bible study leaders, etc.  So, in the midst of all the hustle and bustle of life, please remember to take care of yourself spiritually.  It may be one of the best things you and I can do to help the students grow in their relationships with Christ.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Making the Most of Free Time

The students are about to have what they look forward to all school year--summer break.  A recent conversation reminded me the importance of helping your teens avoid 2 extremes during summer break.  The first extreme is allowing them to take the summer "off", meaning they spend all day doing absolutely nothing (after they wake up, of course).  The second extreme is keeping them as busy as possible doing stuff.

There are 2 verses that I think will help offer guidance to how the students can spend their summer.  Ephesians 5:16 tells us to make the most of every opportunity, and Matthew 6:20 tells us to store up treasures in heaven.  The Bible teaches that 3 things will last forever: God, his word, and men's souls.  By focusing on these 3 things, we store up treasures in heaven.

Try discussing with your son/daughter some ways they can constructively spend their summer.  Is there a specific part of their Christian walk you can help them work on?  Is there something you can teach them to do (change a tire, plant a tree) or work on together as a family?

As summer break approaches, I encourage you to help your student think of ways they can spend their summer storing up treasures in Heaven, as opposed to killing time until school starts.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Challenging Question

During our Spring Retreat, Eric (our speaker) asked us all a very challenging question.  The question was based on 3 John 2.  In this passage, the apostle John is writing a letter to his friend Gaius.  John had heard that Gaius was living out the faith he claimed to have.  John was so happy that Gaius' spiritual health was so strong that he prayed that Gaius' physical health would be as strong as his spiritual health.

Eric then asked us, "would you be comfortable if someone prayed that your physcial health matched your spiritual health?"  That's a pretty sobering question!  If someone prayed that for us and it actually happened, what condition would we be in?  Extremely healthly, a little sick, a lot sick, in the hospital on life support, or (GASP) dead?  I encourage you all to work on your spiritual health so that, hopefully one day, if someone prays that for us, we will be in good shape!  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Passing on Truth

Earlier this week I heard a story that is a great reminder that ministers and parents need to partner together to pass on biblical truth to teenagers and children.  Judges 2:6-7 takes place after the Israelites have conquered the promised land.  Joshua has given a challenge to the people to not forget about God while He gives them a time of peace and prosperity.  And, for the most part, the people rise to that challenge. 

But then, just two verses later, we read something remarkable.  Judges 2:10-11 describes how the generation after Joshua grows up not knowing anything about God.  This group falls into worshipping every idol under the sun.  How did this happen?  One generation is faithful in serving God; the next generation worships idols.  The answer is straight forward--the faithful generation did not teach the next generation. 

There are several times in the Bible where this happens.  Looking at history, we can also see where this has happened since the time of Christ.  God has called us to teach our children the Bible and what we have learned about who Jesus is.  Let's join together to make sure the generation coming up doesn't forget about our Lord and Savior on our watch. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

It Is Finally Here!!!

After lots of planning and prayer, the FBC Troy 2011 Spring Retreat is finally here!  It will last from Friday night through Sunday morning.  All the rallies will be at the Family Life Center.  God is going to do amazing things this weekend and His children will be blessed.  I hope you are able to be a part of it!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

God Truly Does Bless Obedience

The trip to the Baptist Children's Home this past weekend was a huge success.  We had a good group go down there to play with the kids and help out the house parents.  I'm proud and appreciative of everyone who went.  I think that our youth enjoyed playing with the kids as much as the kids enjoyed playing with them!  God truly blesses us when we are obedient.

I strongly encourage all the youth to sign up and be in prayer for the Spring Retreat on April 1-3.  During the morning and afternoon on Saturday, April 2, the youth will be helping out some senior adults in our church by assisting them with various chores around their homes.  Just as God blessed us when we ministered to the kids in Dothan, He will bless us when we minister to the senior adults at the Spring Retreat.  I hope you are able to come and be a part of this blessing!

James 1:27 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Baptist Children's Home Visit

This Saturday, the youth and all interested adults will be going to the Baptist Children's Home in Dothan.  We will have opportunities to minister in a couple of different ways.  One will be to play indoor or outdoor games with the kids down there.  A second will be to help the house parents by doing yard work (picking up sticks, getting rid of weeds, transporting bricks, etc). 

I strongly encourage all who are able to attend to make it this Saturday.  We will leave from the church at 8am and return at approximately 2pm.  Adults, we will need to carpool down there.  If you are able to help transport kids, please let Chris know.  I am excited about ministering together with you this Saturday, March 12!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Spring Retreat Update

Hey all, just wanted to give you an update on where we are at for the Spring Retreat (D-now).  We have the speaker and worship band already lined up.  We're in the process of getting host homes and Bible study leaders for the weekend.  Also, we are organizing our mission sites for Saturday.  This week I'm hoping to recruit the 2nd most important person of the weekend....the person in charge of food :). 

Now, what we need to keep working on is the most important part of the weekend....YOU!!  Students have already started signing up, and WE NEED TO KEEP THAT GOING.  Just a reminder, the discount price of $35 is good through this Sunday, March 6.  If any students or parents need a copy of the release form or registration form, you can pick them up at church or download them at

Once again, this is an open event.  The students are encouraged to bring as many friends as they like.  Come be a part of what God is doing!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Upward and Mama Goldbergs

This Saturday, Feb 26, will be the last weekend of Upward Basketball games.  As we did a couple weeks ago, the youth will be manning the concession stands and serve as greeters at the door.  Please contact Chris if you are able to take a time slot between 8-5 to help in either area.  

Also, I want to encourage everybody to stop by the FLC on Saturday and pick a Mama Goldbergs flier.  Then, take that flier to Mama Goldbergs and order lots of food.  They have agreed to give 10% of the proceeds to the mission fund at FBC.  But please remember that this is for this Saturday, Feb 26, only, and that you need to take them a flier.  Support FBC as it sends out LOTS of missions teams this summer and enjoy good food at the same time!  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Religion that is Pure and Faultless

James 1:27--Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 

Over the next couple months, the youth ministry at First Baptist is going to have an opportunity to practice religion that is pure and faultless.  On Saturday, March 12, the youth and all interested adults will be going to the Baptist Children's Home in Dothan for a workday.  We will have an opportunity to support the ministry there through a variety of means inside and outside the home.  Also, on Saturday, April 2, during the Spring Retreat Disciple Now weekend, the youth will have an opportunity to minister to senior adults by working around their homes.  It is our prayer that God will be honored and greatly smile upon His children as we seek to be obedient.  Won't you come join us?!  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sunday Night Bible Studies

For the next several Sunday nights the youth are going to study the book of James.  James is a New Testament book that has alot of practical application to it.  In addition to the practical side of it, this will also be a good opportunity for the students to learn how to study the Bible.  We have been looking at James 1 the past couple Sunday nights and will study James 1:22-27 this Sunday night.  Verse 22 is a great verse for all of us to remember, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says."

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Crazy Bowling

Calling all bowlers and would be bowlers.  The youth are going to do a Crazy Bowl on Friday, Feb 11, at ACE Bowling in Montgomery.  We'll meet up at the church at 6 and be back at the church around 11pm.  Bring money for bowling, shoes, and food.  We'll stop on the way up there and get something to eat.  Shoes cost $3.  If you pay $5 to Chris by this Sunday, Feb 6, that will cover your bowling cost.  If you pay after this Sunday, the cost for bowling will be $4/game.  Let the hilarity begin!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spring Retreat

IT'S COMING!!!!  The 2011 Spring Retreat will be April 1-3 at First Baptist Church.  The theme this year is Don't Be Fooled.  Our speaker will be Eric Fuller and the BCM praise band will be leading us in worship.  This weekend will include worship, fellowship, missions, Bible study and teaching.  The students will be staying in homes of FBC members where they will be led in Bible studies by small group leaders.  You can pick up your registration and release forms from Chris, or you can download them at  
Yes, the earlier you hand in your forms and pay, the less it costs!!  Sign up today and invite your friends!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Parent Meeting

Dear Parents,

I promise to do my best to NOT make you want to fall asleep at the Youth Parent meeting this Sunday, January 23, after the morning worship service.  When the worship service ends, please head over to the kitchen end of the FLC.  We will all eat first, and then the parents and I will head down to the FLC worship room for our meeting (we will have some adults to hang out with the kids during this time).  At this meeting, we will briefly discuss where the youth ministry is at as well as where it will be going over the next several months. 
Please note that the non-refundable $60 deposit for the Student Life Mission Camp is also due on this date.  And while we will be discussing the summer youth trip at this meeting, we will be discussing other things as well.  So, please make every effort to attend. 

Numbers 6:24-26

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Student Life Mission Camp 2011

Yes, it's coming!  On June 17-21, 2011, the students from FBC Troy will be going to the Student Life Mission Camp at Louisiana Tech University.  The worship leader this year is Roger Cullins and the camp speaker is Neil McClendon.  The students will love Neil; he is an AMAZING speaker!!  I strongly encourage every student to attend this event and bring friends.  For those that are inteterested in attending, there is a $60 non-refundable deposit due by Sunday, January 23.  Again, as long as spots are still available, you can still register for this event after this date, the overall cost will just be a little higher.  PLEASE sign up early to reserve your spot!!

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. – Deuteronomy 6:5
We’re all devoted to something. Just look at where you spend your time, what you talk most about or who consumes your thoughts, and you’ll begin to get a pretty good idea of where your devotion lies. For far too many of us, it doesn’t seem to be with God. So, what does it take to be a fully committed disciple? How do we develop into dedicated and faithful followers of Jesus? Who can we turn to in order to get some help along the way? Join Student Life in the summer of 2011 and discover how you and your students can be DEVOTED.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Just to remind everyone that this Friday, January 7, the youth are going to play Broomball in Montgomery.  If you have not handed in your release form please get it to Chris asap.  The cost is $10.  You are welcome to bring friends.  See you there!!!